Wednesday, February 3, 2010

COMSATS Institute Of Information Technology


     Welcome from the Rector

In this technology pervasive environment, the attainment of higher education is becoming a much sought after goal of the youth of the nation. I am positive that for the academic and research pursuits, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology (CIIT) is the most preferred destination for the best students, teachers, researchers and scholars. Our motto: ‘join the best to bring out the best.’
Since its establishment in 2000, the CIIT has always been at the forefront of innovations the CIIT has always been at the forefront of innovations and has played an active part in shaping the modern day higher education. It has approximately 9000 full time students studying a wide range of undergraduate, postgraduate and research degree programs.
By offering a broad range of disciplines the CIIT encompasses the issues that are of real interest to professionals, prospective employers and to you as students. Our institution has more than 1200 academic and active research staff. Many of our faculty are academics of world renown and they are doing research at the cutting edge of the respective disciplines. The expertise is reflected in our teaching and has made this institution a credible center of excellence both in quality teaching and research.

The CIIT is one of the largest and fastest grown research oriented institutions in Pakistan. The recent 2006-HEC Research Assessment Exercise has confirmed our institute’s position as one of the top 10 research institutions with departments undertaking research of national and international excellence. During 2007, the CIIT earned the singular honor of being ranked at number seven among 114 institutions of higher education in the country on account of research output by its qualified faculty. Similarly among the Engineering disciplines, the CIIT was ranked at number seven in the country. Our commitment to the advancement of knowledge and our remarkable achievements in research is evidence of our success. This success has led to the increasing number of students joining the CIIT every year.

Alongside such finesse in academic performance, the institute takes pride in the strong links it has established with business and industry, which helps students understand and experience the dynamics of the market place. Our growing international reputation is evident in the prestigious exchange agreements (MoUs) the CIIT holds with some of the best institutions, the notable being the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA), Harbin Institute of Technology (China), University of Essex (UK) and many others.

The CIIT also recognizes that our students, while facing a highly competitive technological environment would be functioning at higher levels. As such, the CIIT places a strong emphasis on preparing the students for the work place. The employers recognize the value of a degree from the CIIT and our graduates are among the highest paid in the country. Our career development offices have made positive headway in this direction and the employers rate our career services as most proactive.
If you choose to study at the CIIT you will be joining one of the most forward looking institutions. We are committed to our distinguished reputation as a world class seat of learning for graduate studies and research. Our right choice will place you in good stead for the acquisition of advanced knowledge and your job prospects after studying at the CIIT would second to none.

With Best Wishes


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